4 October Sports Events to Watch: Highlights and Predictions

4 October Sports Events to Watch: Highlights and Predictions

October brings an exciting array of sporting events, and it can be hard to figure out what to watch and when. So, we’ve made it even easier for you – no need to spend hours googling when your favorite sport will be on TV. Here are four sports events to watch in October, as well as what we can expect from them!

Up to bat, the Major League Baseball Postseason

October 3rd will start us off with the Wild Card Series, and that will progress to Division, League Championship Series, finishing up with the World Series the week of 27th of October.

We can expect to see some great teams, including the Atlanta Braves, who became the first team this year to reach the playoffs. Los Angeles Dodgers took victory over the Mariners, joining the postseason crew. Baltimore Orioles and Tampa Bay Rays are both going to be joining the wild card series.

Milwaukee Brewers and Minnesota Twins are also going to be playing in the postseason, with both predicted to go through the first round of the Division Series. The Philadelphia Phillies are going to be opening the postseason at home.

4 October Sports Events to Watch: Highlights and Predictions

ODI Cricket World Cup starts in India

The fourth most viewed sporting event, the Cricket Men’s World Cup will start on October 5th and last until November 19th. India is hosting the World Cup this year, and there’s a buzz about their national team. With momentum from beating Australia earlier this year, the team is ready to put on an exciting performance and make their home country proud.

Pakistan and Australia are in the second and third spot consecutively, so the two teams will probably put up a good fight to see if they can push their way up.

4 October Sports Events to Watch: Highlights and Predictions

National Hockey League starts with three games in a row

October 10th starts off the NHL’s regular season, going on until April 18th, 2024. We’re getting a whole three games in one night on the first day. The following teams are set to go up against each other:

  • Vegas Golden Knights vs. Seattle Kraken;
  • Nashville Predators vs. Tampa Bay Lightning;
  • Chicago Blackhawks vs. Pittsburgh Penguins.

The following day, October 11th will be an exciting one for Canadian fans, as 7 teams from Canada play either each other or Carolina Hurricanes. Another exciting event to mention in October is the Tim Hortons NHL Heritage Classic, which will happen on October 29th. The game will see the Edmonton Oilers stand off against the Calgary Flames in Edmonton, at their outdoor stadium. It’s a celebration of 20 years of the first NHL regular-season game played outdoors.

The season will be long and exciting, with numerous matches ahead and plenty of incredible spectacles for the fans.

If you play hockey, why not check out our blog on nutrition for hockey players, which is full of helpful tips on keeping yourself energized for your training and games?

World Combat Games for the hardcore

Short but sweet, October 21st to the 30th will have the World Combat Games taking place in Saudi Arabia. This will be an event to watch for fans of martial arts and combat, as it includes 15 sports like wushu, sumo, Muay Thai, boxing, and more.

We’ll see 1657 athletes from 80 nations compete in the games, showcasing their pride and athletic prowess. Some star names to look out for include:

  • Oleh Pryimachov from Ukraine and Bediha Tacyildiz from Turkey have 8 and 10 Gold medals in Muay Thai respectively;
  • Cui Bihui, representing China, has previously become the world Wushu champion twice;
  • Shahrbanoo Mansourian, a female athlete representing Iran, and 5-time Wushu world champion;
  • Additionally, we’ll see 61 para and special athletes competing in six sports that include Aikido, Ju-jitsu, Sambo, and even Armwrestling!

If you’re keen on martial arts, we’ve got a blog post on nutrition for boxers, which can be a handy tool to assist you in maximizing your goals using nutrition.

We’re looking forward to some great achievements, incredible feats, and fantastic performances this October. Here’s to wishing good luck to all the professionals playing, and may the best teams and athletes take their wins. If you’re getting ready to watch any of these events, why not give the sport you’re watching a go? You can find some helpful tips to boost your performance in our Knowledge Centre, including tips on recovering from a workout and even nutritional plans dedicated to particular sports.

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