How to Maintain a Healthy Diet on the Go

Healthy eating during vacation

Summer is the time when most of us go off on vacation. A vacation looks different to everyone – some will choose to do day trips while remaining at home, go to another country, or head to their family for a change of scenery. It’s a great time to change up our routines, explore and discover something new.

If you’re planning your vacation but are worried about maintaining a healthy eating plan, worry not. With a bit of planning, you can help yourself stay on track, enjoy the holiday and have a nutritious diet. Want to learn how you can do that? Simply read on.

Plan, plan, plan!

Thinking ahead always pays off. When you’re planning your vacation, don’t forget to plan for your meals. If you’re staying at home, renting an apartment, or have easy access to a kitchen, take note of where you can get healthy foods from. It’ll be much easier to make healthy choices if you’re cooking your food. You can even make a few meals and snacks in advance, so you won’t have to think about them while you’re enjoying your activities.

However, if you’re likely to be eating food in restaurants, it’s a great idea to research the options in your area of interest. You can often find menus to find restaurants with healthier options. If you’re going to be out and about, look for some convenience stores where you can get healthy snacks to take with you as you explore.

Various asian food

Smart snacking

Some of us will have a busy vacation schedule, with plenty of activity, sightseeing, and other fun things. That means you’ll need occasional pick-me-ups. Snacks are perfect to hold you over until your next meal. Choose snacks wisely. Aim to get two main macronutrients out of carbs, fats, and protein in each snack. Include fruits and veggies or go for dry fruits or nuts if it’s more convenient.

Prioritise nutritious snacks with protein, as protein keeps you full1.

Hydration is still key

Remaining hydrated during the summer is essential. It helps you cool down, which is especially important in hot conditions2. Make sure you’ve got a water bottle with you that you can fill up to maintain hydration. Choose foods high in water, like fruits, to give you an extra water boost. Getting enough water is key for appetite control and helps you shed pounds if that’s your long-term goal3.

Healthy choices – what can I do?

During your break, you can be tempted by many exciting new foods. It’s a great time to explore new cuisines and try local delicacies if you’re travelling. Look for local options that use fresh produce, lean proteins, and whole grains. Consider how the food is made before you try it – limit fried foods and instead choose things that are prepared in other ways, like grilling.

You can also pay attention to how much you eat. Choose smaller portions and stay mindful of your fullness cues. Share dishes – that way you can try more without overeating.

Your food priorities

When you’re making your food choices, make the same decisions that you’d make at home. Make sure you’re getting plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Choose lean meats, fish, and legumes for your protein. Look for fresh options rather than processed snacks. That way, you can still enjoy the foods available to you without worrying about the effect your vacation will have on your goals.

With these easy tips, you can be sure to stay on track with your nutrition while making the most of your time off. Pair these tips with plenty of movement on your vacation and some well-deserved relaxation. This way, you’ll be taking care of your body and mind, so you can come back fully recharged and ready to take on the world!

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