Making Waves: Water Sports and Activities to Keep You Active on Vacation

Are you heading to the beach this summer? It’s the perfect time to get your body moving and hit the waves. You can bask in the sun, take in the beauty of the water, or simply have a go at something new. What’s not to love about a beach holiday?!

For those looking to stay fit while on your holiday, the first thought might be swimming. Swimming is a fantastic way to improve your cardio, work on your endurance and stay toned. It’s also easy on the joints. But some of us might want something a little different – maybe a pinch of adrenaline, or the opposite, a calm and relaxed way to get the body moving.

Whether you’re more about lounging in the sun or looking for your next adventure, check out six great water sports and activities for an active summer.

Tame the waves

The ocean waves are one of the things we associate with a coastal getaway. If you’re looking for a great new adventure, why not give surfing a try? It’s a great way to get some fun cardio in. It also helps you strengthen your muscles, especially in the shoulders, back, core and your legs. Plus, it’s the perfect stress buster!

If you’re already a keen surfer, experiment with surfing types – try kitesurfing for an extra challenge.


Motorsport of the sea

If you’re into all things with engines and all things fast, jet skiing might be your new thing. You might find that your first ride leaves you sore – that’s because it’s actually a great way to work on your arm and core strength. As you learn to maneuver your vehicle, you’ll be working out your whole body and burning plenty of energy.

Row, row, row your boat

If you’re heading to a river beach, a lake, or the sea is calm, you can try kayaking or canoeing. These boat-based sports are great for those that need to look after their joints, as they are low-impact options. However, that doesn’t mean they’re an easy workout. You’ll not only be strengthening your heart, but you’ll be working out your muscles too. The back, arms, chest, and shoulders feature in this form of exercise.

Plus, it’s a great option for a family day out!

Take in the underwater scenery

If you don’t want to think that you’re doing exercise during your break, consider snorkeling. With very little equipment (goggles, tube and maybe fins) it’s an activity you can do no matter where you are. It’s a full body workout that’s also a great way to get your blood pumping. It will also help you work on your stamina. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about your joints.

The best part of snorkeling will be exploring your destination and learning more about the natural world around you. Just make sure to re-apply sunscreen often!

Boat in the sea


Time to get physical in the water

If you’re hitting the beach with some friends, aqua aerobics can be a fun way to move. Grab a speaker, put your favorite tunes on and get moving! Gone are the days of sweating in the gym – instead, you can use the water’s natural resistance as you boost your muscle tone. It’s also a great way to work on flexibility and improve your cardiovascular health. You can make it more challenging depending on how deep you stand in the water.

If you have pool noodles or any other flotation equipment, you can also incorporate it into your workout. Take turns coming up with exercises for extra fun.

Try a new trend

Stand-up paddle boarding has been a hit with celebrities and normal people alike. This activity will especially suit those who prefer a calmer holiday or those wanting to peacefully reconnect with nature. As you try to stay balanced on the board, you’ll become more attuned with your body and be able to appreciate the present moment. It’s a fantastic way to tone your core, lower back and your obliques. If your goal is toned arms and legs, paddle boarding can help you get one step closer.

It’s also a great option for beginners – you can start out on your knees before getting on your feet (literally).

Whether you’re a seasoned surfer or looking for a calm coastal getaway this summer, make sure you stay active. Give one of the sports we mentioned a go and see how much fun it is to develop a new skill while taking care of your health. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and cautious of the sun as you get up to your new adventures. And why not finish off your activity with a refreshing protein shake to kickstart recovery?

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