What is sports medicine?
Did you know that 58% of people would like to do more sports than they do right now? Many of us are sports fans, weekend warriors, enthusiasts, or play competitive sports.
We are looking to improve our sports performance and our overall fitness. We may spend hours researching new drills, learning to optimise our diets, and using supplements to our advantage.
But many of us overlook one thing—sports medicine. It may seem like we don’t need an array of doctors at our disposal, but sports medicine can be a valuable tool for enthusiasts and professionals alike. Read on if you’re wondering what sports medicine is and whether it can benefit you.
What Is Sports Medicine and Why sports medicine is important?
Sports medicine is a branch of medicine and research that deals with sports-related issues. Specialists in this area have training to help with common problems faced by those who play sports. These can be musculoskeletal issues, such as sprains or sports-related injuries. However, alongside that, they may also provide other services.
These include rehabilitation, such as exercise routines. They can also assist with questions you may have about nutrition or athletic mental health.
They’re not only there to work with professionals. Sports medicine can benefit those who engage in sports regularly or even play competitively at an amateur level.
Benefits of Sports Medicine
Sports medicine is not only about healing injuries. It encompasses overall athlete well-being and health. Therefore, sports medicine professionals comprise not only of sports medicine practitioners and physiotherapists. They also include nutritionists and mental health professionals to assist with all aspects of sports performance.
Injury Prevention
Injury can really derail your sports plans and ambitions. It’s especially important for anyone with an active lifestyle to understand how to practice their sport safely, as the risk of injury is inherent in sports. From proper stretching and cool-down techniques to how to improve flexibility and mobility, injury prevention can be a complicated topic. Sports medicine professionals can be of great help in learning how to prevent injury.
Sports medicine professionals may also clarify how to adjust your training to prevent injury due to external factors. For example, athletes who play sports in scorching conditions may need additional support in learning how to stay hydrated and lower their risks of heat-related issues.
Diagnosis and Treatment
If you already have an injury or will get one in the future, sports medicine doctors can help you overcome it. They can diagnose your injury and provide a coherent treatment plan. They can also monitor your recovery and offer guidance on when you’ll be able to return to playing if you need to take time off to heal.
90% of injuries in sports don’t need surgery; however, if you need it, they can direct you to relevant professionals. Sports medicine doctors can help treat common issues in athletes, such as:
- Sprains and strains
- Breaks or fractures of the bone
- Joint injuries and overuse injuries
- Musculoskeletal issues like tendinitis and osteoarthritis
- Concussions
Many of us may be living with conditions that impact our performance or may have experienced an injury that affected our performance. Sports medicine specialists can help with rehabilitation after injury. This may include physical therapy in sports medicine or advice on rebuilding strength.
Role of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Sports Medicine
Excellent sports performance goes hand in hand with proper training and nutritional strategies. Sports medicine professionals can advise you on using dietary strategies to boost your performance. In addition, they can help you find answers to common questions related to regular physical activity, such as proper recovery methods.
In addition, they can offer mental health support to athletes. Professional and amateur athletes may find managing their mental health challenging, as many factors connected to sports performance may impact mental health. Therefore, those who would like support with their mental health to improve their performance may benefit from a visit to a sports medicine professional.
Why You Should See a Sports Medicine Doctor
A sports medicine doctor is a valuable source of knowledge surrounding an active lifestyle and sports performance. At this point, you’re likely wondering if you should see a sports medicine doctor. Here are a few things to consider when making a decision about seeing a sports medic:
- Something’s not feeling right. If you’ve noticed that something doesn’t quite feel right when you play sports or exercise, it might be beneficial to see a specialist. They will be able to suggest what you can do to heal the injury and how to prevent it from occurring as you continue training. This is one of the most obvious signs it’s time to see a sports medicine doctor.
- Something’s been off for a while, but you’ve brushed it off. Many of us may feel a little discomfort and brush it off if it’s bearable. However, chronic pain and discomfort can be a sign of something being wrong. Therefore, if you’ve noticed that you’ve been feeling pain in a joint, muscle, or ligament, it may be worth getting it checked out.
- You want to reach a performance goal. If you’ve got a clear performance goal in mind, but you’re finding it hard to achieve it, a sports doctor may be able to advise. In addition, this can be beneficial for those who don’t train as a team or at a professional level and may not have support from experienced trainers or coaches.
- You’ve started playing a new sport. If you’ve recently started playing a sport, you’re unfamiliar with, a sports doctor can help you work on preventing injury. They can advise on nutritional and psychological aspects of your sport as well. This can contribute to better performance and overall health.
- You’re leading an active life. Just because you’re not a professional doesn’t mean a trip to the sports doctor can’t benefit you. Advice from these professionals can help you prevent injury, particularly if you’ve already been injured or if you just want to stay on the safe side.
If you fall under any of these criteria, you may benefit from seeing a sports medicine specialist. After all, you’re in charge of your health and performance.
Sports medicine is a useful field for those who lead an active lifestyle or are professional or amateur sports people. Sports medicine encompasses areas like injury prevention and treatment, nutritional support and mental health services. Therefore, anyone playing a sport can benefit from visiting a sports medicine specialist.
Remember that outstanding sports performance comes in parallel with excellent health. Therefore, it’s essential to take care of every aspect of your body while trying to become the best sportsperson you can be. Take your training to the next level with sports medicine, proper supplementation and a healthy approach to life.