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Folic Acid Bioactive Folate capsules

Folic Acid Bioactive Folate

Bioactive folate for great brain health

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​​Folate – the nutrient for your brain and more

Folic Acid Bioactive Folate bottle
  • 5-MTHF
  • most bioactive form of folic acid
  • improves cognition and brain function

Vitamins help us with keeping a healthy body. Folate, one of the many B vitamins, is one with a myriad of functions in our bodies. Folic acid is the form it takes on when in food. This vitamin helps repair our genetic material and make more of it. It’s an essential assistant for the creation of new blood cells. These carry oxygen, allowing our cells to function normally.

The benefits of folate for overall health

The association between folate and pregnancy is strong. However, folate is not an exclusively pregnancy-related vitamin. Here are some lesser-known health benefits of folate:

  • Helps with maintaining a healthy brain – it decreases inflammation, boosts brain function, and improves our ability to think.
  • Great for your mental health – it helps make neurotransmitters, the signal molecules of our brains. It can improve mood.
  • Fertility – not only does it help with releasing eggs and improving the chances of pregnancy, but it might also help men who struggle with fertility. Combined with zinc, it may increase men’s sperm count. It’s a win-win if you’re looking to start a family!
  • Keeps your heart healthy – folate decreases inflammation, blood pressure and levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is related to heart issues when present in high amounts. This vitamin lowers homocysteine, keeping the heart healthy.

For those that are expecting

This vitamin ensures that the organs grow correctly in the baby. Its main role is in the forming of the neural tube – this becomes the baby’s spine and brain and it grows. For a healthy pregnancy and to prevent developmental issues, ensure to take in enough folate.

Folic Acid Bioactive Folate meets your folate requirements, whether you’re taking it for your brain or because you’re planning to start a family. Maxler Folic Acid Bioactive Folate contains folate in its most bioavailable form, ensuring your body is benefitting from it.

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings Per Container: 120

Amount Per Serving %Daily Value
(as Calcium L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate)
(equivalent to 600 mcg Folic Acid)
1,000 mcg DFE 250%

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hypromellose (capsule), L-leucine (Vegetarian), Rice Hull Concentrate.

Folic Acid Bioactive Folate bottle

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take one serving (1 capsule) daily, preferably with a meal.


Before our body can use vitamin B9 in the form of folic acid, it needs to be processed by our body. The body makes it into 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, 5-MTHF. Only then can we use it. Maxler Folic Acid Bioactive Folate has its ready-to-go 5-MTHF form. That way, you can use it straight away.

Our formula is both vegan and gluten-free, meaning that anyone can benefit from it.

There are eight B vitamins, each with a specific and important role. Some help release nutrients from food, sending signals to our cells, and even with maintaining brain health. Ensure you’re getting all of these important micronutrients, so eat healthy, taking in different vegetables, vegetable proteins, and animal products.

For men and women, getting around 400 mcg of this vitamin every day is essential. If you’re pregnant, your requirement increases, so you must get at least 600 mcg daily. Maxler Folic Acid Bioactive Folate contains 1000 mcg of 5-MTHF, which is the equivalent of 600 mcg of folic acid.

Therefore, Maxler Folic Acid Bioactive Folate dosages will suit those that are taking it to improve their brain or heart health, as well as those who are awaiting their new family member.

Yes! You’ll be able to get this nutrient from eggs, legumes, and leafy greens. Keep in mind though, that folate in foods is usually in the form of folic acid, which isn’t used by the body as efficiently. Supplementing folate allows you to make sure you meet your daily needs in a convenient and efficient way.

Prepare with care


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