Best foods for your liver

The liver is an organ vital to our health and the proper functioning of the body. It carries out important functions, supports metabolism, our immune and digestive systems, and even stores vitamins. It makes up around 2% of our body weight, so it’s no wonder that we need to support liver health. 

Anastasia Kolesnikova
MRes, Biochemist, Scientific Officer

You may have heard about liver detoxes and cleanses to keep your liver healthy or address damage. Whether they take the form of a supplement or a routine consisting of multiple juices, you may wonder if they’re actually helpful. Liver “detoxes” are typically unnecessary, not based on any science, and are not backed by clinical trials. 

However, we still need to put in effort to support liver health. Certain liver pathologies are associated with lifestyle. The British Liver Trust suggests that 9 in 10 cases of liver disease could be prevented. Therefore, lifestyle changes can help you maintain the health of the organ. Beneficial lifestyle changes include:

  1. Decreasing how much alcohol you consume 
  2. Increasing exercise to help keep a healthy weight 
  3. Maintain good personal hygiene and lower risks of contracting diseases like hepatitis C
  4. Eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of plant foods

These changes can help prevent the development of liver issues.

Eating a healthy diet is vital for liver health. This means that you should ensure you consume sufficient fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, moderate amounts of dairy and healthy protein. Alongside a generally balanced diet, there are certain foods for liver health. Let’s break down how they do so and what they are.

What makes food good for your liver?

Specific compounds and foods for healthy liver function can support liver health directly and indirectly. For example, foods that contain antioxidants can support the liver’s health. Other foods can support a healthy weight through fiber and protein content.

Forget about so-called “detoxing” foods for the liver or “cleansing” foods for the liver. Instead, prioritize the following foods as part of an overall healthy and balanced diet. These foods contain beneficial compounds that have been associated with liver health. Let’s dive in. 


Oats are a very healthy food in general and good for the liver. They contain carbohydrates, fiber, some protein, and a range of phenolic compounds. One of the most beneficial aspects of oats is their content of beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that helps keep cholesterol in check and may be anti-diabetic.

Oats support liver health in a variety of ways. For example, the beta-glucan in them can exert a beneficial effect on the microbiome through their anti-inflammatory properties. This can help prevent certain types of liver pathologies. Oat bran may help manage weight gain and lower inflammation in the liver. Oats can also decrease fat levels in the liver, which is crucial in supporting a healthy liver. 

Therefore, oats can support liver health in a variety of ways. 


Broccoli is a food many people may have ignored since their childhood. But it turns out to be a great addition to a liver-friendly diet. 

It contains many beneficial compounds, including vitamin C, flavonoids and glucosinolates. In addition, it contains a compound called sulforaphane, which functions as an antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and other beneficial effects. Broccoli has may be able to support liver health by preventing fat accumulation in the liver. The sulforaphane may also protect liver cells from oxidative stress and inflammation caused by things like alcohol and medications. 

Try including broccoli in your daily meals. This versatile veggie is great for most meal types. 


About 75% of the population in the US reports consuming coffee. Surprisingly, that’s actually good news for the liver! Coffee is one of the better foods for the liver. 

Coffee positively affects many aspects of liver health. For example, coffee intake is associated with a smaller risk likelihood of developing liver issues. Coffee is a complex drink containing different molecules. One of the most well-known and likely responsible for its benefits is caffeine. However, it appears that other non-caffeine compounds may have beneficial effects on the liver as well. All types of coffee, ground, instant, and decaffeinated, have the same benefits. No matter your budget or coffee preferences, you can still get the same benefits from this drink. 

Top consumption tip: 2-4 cups of coffee daily are enough to benefit liver. 

In addition to directly benefiting the liver, coffee can help with weight and fat loss, lowering the risk of developing liver problems. 

If you’re curious about other benefits of coffee, check out our post on 8 coffee benefits for athletes. 

Green Tea

Green tea is another healthy food for a good liver. It contains flavonoids, which are plant antioxidants. Catechins are one of the most famous groups of flavonoids and account for about 20% of the flavonoids in the tea. Catechins have potential antiviral and antiallergenic effects and may positively affect blood pressure and fat levels. 

One of the catechins that may benefit liver health is epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG for short. It assists in regulating fat and glucose metabolism. Its supplementation may lessen inflammatory responses, which results in lower liver damage. Therefore, green tea can be an excellent food to include in a liver-healthy diet. 


Drinking enough water is essential for overall health. A 2021 study explored the connection between plant water intake and new nonalcoholic fatty liver disease diagnoses. They found that higher water intake is associated with lower numbers of new diagnoses for males. This effect is likely due to the association of water intake with lower body weight and increased fat burning in the body. Drinking mineral water may also support liver function when issues develop. 

Therefore, it’s a good idea to get plenty of water daily. Where possible, stick to plain water instead of other beverages. 


Do you think Popeye had a super-healthy liver? Spinach is a food that’s good for liver health, so that may just be the case. 

Spinach is a true functional food. It contains minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, K, B9 (folate), and vitamin C. In addition, it contains beta-carotene and phytochemicals like lutein, which are beneficial for eye health. 

Consuming spinach may be associated with a lower risk of developing liver issues. This may be due to beneficial changes in how the liver processes fats. In addition, spinach may positively affect the microbiota, contributing to liver health.  


It’s time to go nuts about nuts since they can help support liver health. Nuts are a treasure trove of nutrients, containing fiber, healthy fats, key minerals, and vitamins. Nut consumption may help lower appetite, support weight loss, lower levels of fats in the blood, and decrease the risk of liver issues.  

Olive oil

One of the signatures of liver issues is the accumulation of fat in the liver. While it may seem counterintuitive to “fight” fat with fat, olive oil turns out to be a very liver-friendly food. A higher consumption of extra virgin olive oil is associated with lower risks of specific liver issues.

Olive oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and bioactive phenolic compounds, which can have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The benefits of olive oil probably arise from the phenolic compounds, as they may reduce fat accumulation in liver cells and may help with insulin resistance.


Blueberries are a super healthy berry. They contain lots of antioxidants, having the highest content from common fruits and vegetables. There are many different types of beneficial compounds in blueberries like anthocyanins that give them the blue color, polyphenols, and flavonoids. 

Blueberries may support liver health and gut microbiome health, which is key for good liver function. They may be able to do so due to their antioxidant capacity. 

Looking after our livers is important. The best way to support your health is through a balanced and healthy diet. Including foods like oats, olive oil, and nuts can help you consume liver-friendly compounds that may help promote liver health. Remember that a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body are in your hands. Start making changes for a better you today. 

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