Coffee as a Pre-Workout Ritual: 8 Benefits for Athletes

Coffee as a Pre-Workout Ritual: 8 Benefits for Athletes

Have you ever drunk a cup of coffee before a workout and found yourself feeling better during the workout? It’s not just an old wives’ tale – caffeine can do wonders for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. If you’re feeling low on energy and motivation before a workout, or if you want to push your body further but something’s holding you back, coffee might be the solution you’re looking for.

So, what exactly can coffee do for your performance?

  1. Re-energizes your body

  2. If you’re feeling a little demotivated or in an energy slump before your workout, coffee can be a simple and affordable solution. The caffeine in coffee naturally boosts brain activity, helping you feel energized1.

    If you don’t have time to make a coffee before a workout, or you don’t like its taste, add Maxler Caffeine 200 to your routine, with each tablet providing 200mg of caffeine.

    Coffee as a Pre-Workout Ritual: 8 Benefits for Athletes

  3. Boosts muscle power

  4. Do you find yourself feeling a bit weak sometimes? Has it been ages since you last lifted a PB? Caffeine can help you get that power back. It can help boost strength in both the upper body and legs, helping you hit your 1 rep max and set new personal bests2. Whether you mainly specialize in the gym or whether you play a sport, every athlete can benefit from it.

  5. Supports endurance

  6. For endurance athletes, a change in speed as little as 1% can make the difference between placing on the podium or going home empty-handed. Caffeine is therefore of great use to endurance athletes, as it can boost endurance by around 2-4%3. That being said, response to caffeine is personal and some people can get an even bigger boost from it.

  7. Helps shed pounds

  8. For those that play sports where you need to be in a certain weight category or simply being lighter is an advantage, caffeine can come in handy. Caffeine helps us use fats and affects our dopamine release, which can decrease levels of body fat4.

  9. Maximum concentration for your workout

  10. Many athletes play sports that require periods of concentration or quick changes in attention. Staying focused is vital for success. Caffeine can not only boost our alertness, but it can also support all of these cognitive functions5, which makes it a great helper during a match or a tournament.

  11. Allows you to push yourself harder

  12. Do you know that feeling when halfway through the set or a drill you realise your body can’t do it anymore, no matter how much your mind might want to? If you’ve ever been in that situation, you’re in luck – the caffeine in coffee can offset tiredness, allowing you to work out for longer until you fatigue6.

  13. Great for health and recovery

  14. You’ve heard all about how great caffeine can be for performance, but what about our health and recovery? Turns out, coffee shines here as well. Coffee contains antioxidants, which can beneficially affect health, helping ward off problems with the heart and metabolism7. Some of the compounds in coffee also boost our ability to re-make glycogen, which is key for replenishing muscle energy8. So, next time you have your post-workout snack, add some coffee to it.

  15. Can be combined with other pre-workout supplements

One of the best things about caffeine is that it can be combined with other pre-workout supplements to further boost your power. You can easily make your pre-workout mixes by combining supplements like creatine, BCAAs, and caffeine in a shake you can take about 45 minutes before going to the gym.

If you’re not a fan of making your pre-workout, consider adding NRG Max to your routine. It contains five complexes designed to support recovery, explosive motion, and energy levels, and even help you focus. It’s an incredible choice to support fantastic progress.

If all these sound like something you’d like to benefit from in your workouts, then coffee or caffeine is for you! However, keep in mind that different people respond to caffeine differently, so it’s best to start with lower doses and experiment. Take your caffeine about 45-60 minutes before starting your exercise routine, as that allows it to reach your bloodstream and give you all the benefits.

If you’re looking for more training tips like these, check out our Knowledge Center. With lots of tips on athletic nutrition, performance, and recovery, you can take your workouts to the next level.

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