Best protein for weight loss

Did you know that just under half of people globally are currently on a weight loss journey? While it sounds like a lot, it explains why we often hear our friends start talking about a new diet they’re trying. If you’re one of the people trying to lose some weight, you’re not alone. The journey to a healthier and happier you may seem long and arduous, but with the proper support, you’ll get there. 

When we start our weight loss journeys, many of us think that we need to drastically change what we eat. And while changes are essential, it’s all about changing your diet smarter. There’s no point in making yourself eat only salads if you’re going to wind up miserable and binging on a box of cookies. That’s why when changing your diet, you need to start with changes that will keep you satiated. 

And there’s one macronutrient that does that exceptionally well – protein. This post’ll cover why a high-protein diet is excellent for weight loss and how to choose a protein to get where you want to be. 

Why Should You Eat Protein for Weight Loss?

What’s the first step to losing weight? It’s no surprise, but weight loss follows a simple formula – you should be spending more energy than you’re consuming. This comes down to the calories that you get from food. Decreasing them is essential; however, don’t go overboard. Try to aim for a slow weight loss of about 1-2 pounds a week.  

It may be very tempting to then eat all the low-calorie, healthy foods, like salads and veggies. However, while good for you, they tend to have difficulty keeping most people full. Therefore, you must counteract the new wave of hunger you’ll now experience. That’s where a diet high in protein for weight loss comes in. 

Protein is a macronutrient best known for its role in muscle growth. However, alongside that, it’s fantastic for helping keep us full and assisting in weight loss. 

Helps Curb Hunger

When we eat protein-rich foods, we tend to feel fuller. This feeling actually occurs because protein impacts our hunger hormones. Eating protein-rich foods raises our satiety hormones, like glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). This makes us feel full and helps reduce food intake in general. 

In addition, protein is able to affect the hormones that cause us to feel hungry, like ghrelin. An increase in protein intake decreases the concentration of this hormone, helping promote satiety. 

People eating more protein tend to find themselves thinking less about food and snacking less at night. This can benefit those who find it hard to keep themselves full when on a diet. 

Preserves Muscle Mass

The other way in which protein benefits us has to do with our muscle mass and our energy expenditure. 

The body spends some energy keeping itself alive, called our resting energy expenditure (REE). It also spends some energy digesting foods, which is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). Finally, it will also spend some energy when we do things, like exercise or even bouncing our foot.

How much energy the body uses to keep itself alive depends on our body composition. The bigger the body, the more energy it spends. In addition, the fat-free mass impacts our total energy expenditure, with those with more muscle spending more calories. 

When we lose weight, we might inadvertently wind up losing muscle mass. This decreases the amount of energy we spend on a daily basis, slowing down our metabolism. This may make it harder to lose weight, and you’ll have to adjust your calorie deficit. Protein is outstanding at helping preserve muscle mass, which helps keep the REE stable. Combining a high protein intake with strength training can be even more effective for this. 

Protein also affects how much energy we spend digesting food. When digesting protein, we burn more energy compared to when digesting carbs or fats. We tend to also increase our body’s fat burning when eating more protein. 

Therefore, many people will find getting more protein in their diet beneficial for their weight loss efforts. But how much protein per day works for weight loss? 

Try increasing your protein intake to 30% of your calories, or about 1-1.2 g of protein per kilo of your ideal weight. Don’t be afraid of experimenting with your carbohydrate-fat-protein ratio for weight loss, as everybody is unique and may feel better with a particular spread of macronutrients. 

Proteins found in food

Now that we know that a diet high in protein is great for weight loss, it’s time to understand the practicalities of increasing your protein intake. Are there high-protein foods for weight loss? The answer is yes. 

There are plenty of high-protein foods that you can include in your diet. 

Some of the best sources of protein are meats and fish. Choose leaner cuts to help you stay within your calorie goals. Some of the best animal sources of protein are: 

If you’re plant-based, no worries! The plant world has a lot of foods with protein for weight loss, so you’ve got plenty of options as well. Legumes are high in protein. However, not every legume has all of the amino acids, so you might have to play around with food combinations. Here are some fantastic sources of plant protein

  • Soybeans and soy products like tofu and tempeh. The beans tend to have about 8.5 g of protein per half a cup, while tempeh and tofu have 10 g and 15 grams, respectively. 
  • Lentils and chickpeas both have around 7-8 grams of protein per half a cup of cooked product.
  • Peanuts are a great option, too, as they have about 20 grams of protein per half a cup. However, watch out for their high fat intake.
  • Spirulina might sound like a surprising option, but two tablespoons have about 8 grams of protein and micronutrients. Try adding it to a smoothie for an easy protein boost!

As you can see, animal products tend to be higher in protein than plant products. So, those on a plant-based diet may need a hand in planning their meals. A good option to ensure you’re getting plenty of protein is to consider having a food diary. This way, you can monitor your calorie and protein intake to ensure you’re always on track. A good option is an app like MyFitnessPal, but you can do it by hand as well. 

Alternatively, don’t be afraid to reach out to a health professional. They will be able to help you set personalized goals and support you on your journey. 

What is Protein Powder

What if you’re trying to increase protein for weight loss, but the thought of eating chicken breast or tofu three times a day doesn’t sound appealing? In that case, you may seek to be smarter about your protein choices. Wouldn’t dieting be infinitely more manageable if you could just sip on some protein during the day? Well, the answer to your prayers may be protein powders! 

Protein powders are pretty much what their name implies – they are protein in a powder form. They tend to be high-quality proteins from milk and plant sources. Many of them have different flavors, some are unflavored, so it’s easy to find a protein powder that fits your needs. 

Protein powders are a popular supplement among the fitness community and those who are trying to get muscle. However, a diet high in protein is excellent for weight loss, and so they can be helpful even to those who aren’t going to spend hours in the gym daily.  

If drinking protein for weight loss sounded like a dream, you now know that it can be your reality. But there are so many protein powders on the market – which to choose? In the following few sections, we’ll go through our top tips for understanding protein powders and how to use them to your advantage. 

Animal-Based vs. Plant-Based Protein Powder

What are protein powders made from? There are two main types of protein powders – animal product-based and plant product-based. Animal-based protein powders are typically made from two sources: milk and eggs. 

Milk-based protein powders are the most common ones. There are two main types of milk protein powders – those that contain whey protein and those that contain casein. The body quickly absorbs whey protein powders, while casein takes a while to digest. Casein protein powders can be helpful when you know you won’t be able to get some protein in for a while, such as during the night. 

Whey protein comes in three different forms: 

  • Hydrolysate – a pre-digested form that is absorbed really quickly, perfect for after a workout 
  • Whey concentrate – minimally processed, this protein is often the most accessible. It is typically 80% protein by weight.
  • Whey isolate – undergoes more processing than concentrate, but this means it has a higher protein content with fewer calories. It is typically 90% protein by weight. 

Another animal-based protein is egg protein powder. These are made from eggs and suit those who can’t consume dairy. Egg protein powders are high in all amino acids. 

Plant-based protein powders are rising in popularity. The most common source of plant-based protein is soy. It’s the only complete protein, meaning that it has all amino acids. 

Pea protein is another popular plant-based protein powder. It is made from peas. However, it can be lower in certain amino acids. The same is true of many other common plant-based protein powders, such as hemp or rice. This doesn’t make them ineffective – simply ensure that you’re getting the necessary amino acids from other foods you get. 

How Effective is Protein Powder for Weight Loss?

You’re probably thinking – are protein shakes actually good for weight loss? 

Protein shakes are an easy way to increase overall protein intake. Diets high in protein benefit weight loss. Therefore, increasing your protein intake through protein powders can be beneficial. But if you’re wondering about protein shakes specifically, those who had protein shakes tend to lose weight and decrease their fat mass, which is what most people are after.

Therefore, increasing your protein intake through protein shakes is beneficial for helping you lose weight. 

Our Top Protein Powders for Weight Loss

Picking a protein powder for weight loss can be challenging. To help you make a decision that suits you, we’ll give you a run-down on our best protein powders for weight loss. Maxler’s point of pride is our delicious range of tastes and our high-quality products, so we hope you give them a go on your journey to a new you.  

Maxler 100% Golden Whey

Maxler 100% Golden Whey is a classic, providing 24 grams of protein in each serving. It is a blend of whey proteins, including whey hydrolysate, for quick fueling. It contains only 2g of sugar in each portion, making it one of the best whey proteins for weight loss. It comes in 15 different flavors, many of which are dessert-based. Therefore, it makes an excellent snack or a high-protein dessert alternative. 

Maxler 100% Golden Whey Natural

100% Golden Whey Natural provides 24 grams of protein in every serving. This is one of the best protein powders for weight loss for females and everyone else who watches what they put in their bodies. This range of proteins contains natural stevia sweeteners, natural flavors, and colors. 

Maxler Juicy Isolate 

Juicy Isolate is designed for those who don’t like the milky texture of protein shakes. Juicy Isolate contains PRObev isolate protein, which is clear and has a juice-like texture. Each serving provides 20 grams of protein and only 90 calories, making it one of the best protein drinks for weight loss.  

Maxler Golden 7 Protein Blend 

A new addition to the Maxler protein range, Maxler Golden 7 Protein Blend is one of the best protein powders for weight loss and muscle gain at the same time. The reason is that this supplement combines seven types of protein for ultimate muscle fueling. Each portion provides 23 grams of protein, combining whey and casein sources. Casein takes longer to digest and provides a longer-lasting protein feeding, helping you stay satisfied. 

  • Out Of Stock

100% Golden Whey

100% Golden Whey Protein is a premium protein for powerful performance
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A photo of 100% Golden Whey Natural container.

100% Golden Whey Natural

Whey Protein with only natural ingredients
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Juicy Isolate

Juicy Isolate is a clear whey protein formula for visible results
  • bestseller
Golden 7 Protein blend

Golden 7 Protein Blend

From $29.99$59.99
Incl. VAT plus shipping
Protein Blend combines 7 proteins with 1 goal: your best performance

How to Use Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Protein powders are easy ways to get plenty of proteins quickly. For those who are trying to lose weight, there are multiple ways to use it to your advantage. 

Making a protein shake is the easiest way to use a powdered protein for weight loss. Protein shakes make an easy breakfast or snack on the go. They can also be taken with you to the gym and used after for better recovery. 

If you’re not a big fan of protein shakes for weight loss, don’t despair. Many protein powders make fantastic additions to foods you already eat. You can cook with them, add them to smoothies, oats, pancakes or even some muffins. 

If you’re looking for recipe inspiration, check out our protein-rich breakfast glass recipe! Alternatively, here’s a way to boost your yoghurt and granola breakfasts with some protein. 

When to Take Protein Powder to Lose Weight

As a rule, it’s best to ensure that you’re getting protein regularly throughout the day. You might have to plan accordingly. Ensure your main meals and your snacks all have plenty of protein in them. Make sure you’re getting about 20 grams with each meal, if not more. Protein powders can come in handy when trying to enrich certain meals or snacks. 

One of the best ways to use protein powder is to make your breakfast protein-rich. Many of us skip breakfast or have something that rarely holds us over until lunch. This might make you consider snacking on whatever you have around you. An easy solution is to have higher-protein breakfasts. 

High-protein breakfasts support lean muscle mass, help you use more energy per day and decrease the chances of late-night snacking. Plus, protein for breakfast and protein snacks support a healthy cardiovascular system and metabolism. 

Alternatively, your snack can be a protein drink for weight loss. It is usually lower in calories while keeping you full. 

What to Look for in a Protein Powder for Weight Loss

Looking to make the best protein shake for weight loss? Then, you need to choose a suitable protein powder. When selecting a protein powder that works for you, keep in mind the following:

  • What is the protein source? Choose a protein powder that suits your dietary requirements and needs. Ensure you get complete proteins for all the amino acids your body requires. Some proteins might be better for certain situations – for example, casein protein is great if you feel like a snack before bed. Check out our post on all about casein if you want to learn more. 
  • How many calories is a portion of the protein? Around 100 calories per portion is ideal. Look out for protein powders that have lots of added sugars, as those calories can quickly add up. 
  • How many grams of protein per portion? Aim for at least 20 grams of protein per portion. It appears that getting around 20-40 grams of protein regularly is a good idea.  
  • Do you trust the quality of the supplement? Choose brands that are open about their sourcing and quality controls. Maxler protein powders are made in factories that adhere to IFS and GMP standards. 
  • Do you like the taste of the protein? Taste is important, so don’t be afraid to try different proteins until you find one you like. Some people may find that they want a protein powder with a particular texture, so don’t shy away from clear proteins like Juicy Isolate. 
  • Does it have additional nutrients? Different protein powders may have additional vitamins or nutrients in them. You may not want or need them sometimes, so pay attention to the ingredient list. 

If you’d like to learn more about protein powders and how to choose one, check out our post on whey protein

Does protein powder help you lose belly fat?

Many of us might be self-conscious about a particular part of the body. You might find yourself looking up foods and exercises to burn belly fat or slim your love handles. The truth is, however, that you can’t spot train or spot lose weight. If you’re trying to lose belly fat, losing fat overall will help you decrease the fat in your area of concern. 

If you’re wondering why spot-training doesn’t work, check out our post on myths of spot-reduction

The good news is that a diet high in protein for weight loss purposes will help you get there. Pair this diet with plenty of movement and a calorie deficit, and you’ll find yourself looking at a better you. 

The Bottom Line

Losing weight is a process that tests your ability to plan and your perseverance. It’s not easy, but it is achievable. Your best bet is to increase your protein intake to help you feel full and support your muscle mass. This will help you control your food habits and ensure that your body stays as effective at burning calories as it is right now.  

However, don’t forget that while weight loss starts in your kitchen, it requires additional changes. 

In addition to changing your diet, weight loss can benefit from increasing your activity. All types of activity count, from increasing your steps to taking a dance class. However, weight training is one of the best things you can do for your weight loss. 

Finally, weight loss requires you to sleep well. That’s because if you’re well rested, you tend to consume fewer calories daily. Therefore, pay attention to your sleeping patterns and sleeping conditions. Another thing to keep in check is your stress levels, as they can affect your sleep. Start with small changes and remember to stick to them. 

If you’d like to get more assistance in your weight loss journey, check out these posts on our blog: 

Weight loss can be a rewarding journey if you have the right mindset and the right help. Set yourself up for success with Maxler’s expert advice. 

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