How much water to drink per day

Water is essential for life. There’s no doubt about that. But do you know how much water you should drink a day and how much you actually drink? It’s a tough one, as we often need to remember to track water intake. If you want to help yourself make healthy habits, including staying well-hydrated, you’ve come to the right place. 

Anastasia Kolesnikova
MRes, Biochemist, Scientific Officer

Benefits of drinking water

Water is considered the most essential “nutrient.” We lose it constantly throughout our daily activity, so we must replenish it. Water is vital for many processes and functions in the body, including

  • Controlling the body’s temperature through sweat
  • Supporting optimal physical performance and endurance, especially for athletes
  • Keeping good mental performance, including motivation, concentration, memory and even your counting ability 
  • Supporting gastrointestinal, kidney and heart functions 
  • Keeping the skin healthy 

Therefore, drinking enough can support your health and performance, no matter what you do. 

How much water do you need?

How much water do we actually need to drink? This is where things get slightly more complicated. The exact amount of water we need in a day varies with age and activity level. 

As a general rule of thumb, the National Academy of Medicine suggests that adult males should drink around 13 cups of water, which is 104 oz of water daily. Adult women should get around 9 cups of water, or 72 oz. However, pregnancy and breastfeeding can increase these amounts. 

It’s also good to remember that there is such a thing as too much water. Sometimes, when you’re trying to reach your recommended water intake a day, you may find yourself sipping on water constantly. Alternatively, athletes may occasionally drink too much when trying to prevent dehydration. Too much water can upset your electrolyte balance. This is called hyponatremia, where your sodium levels are too low. To avoid this, try to pace your drinking during the day.  

How do I know if I’m drinking enough?

If you drink enough water in a day, you won’t feel thirsty. You can also check your hydration levels by looking at your urine. It should be colorless or light yellow—consult a urine color chart. If you’re in doubt about whether you’re drinking enough, consult with your medical professional. 

Tips for avoiding dehydration

Drinking enough water in a day can be challenging. To help you meet your goals, we’ve assembled some tips:

  1. Have regular drink times. It’s a good idea to pair having some water with other cues. For example, try having at least one glass of water with a meal. In addition, make a point to have a glass of water between mealtimes. Set a reminder or a visual cue to help you remember to drink. 
  2. Keep track of your water intake. Tally up the number of glasses of water you drink during the day. Alternatively, use an app or a marked water bottle. This can help you understand how well you’re meeting your water requirements and drink more if you’ve not drunk enough. 
  3. Hydrate well if you’re active. Those who work outside or do a lot of sports need more water as they sweat more. It’s a good idea to start your activities well-hydrated and continue topping up with water frequently during activities. 
  4. Drink before you’re thirsty. We register thirst when we’re already dehydrated. This is especially important for athletes and those who work out frequently. Drink before thirst to ensure proper hydration levels. 
  5. Eat your hydration. About 20% of our water intake comes from food, but this can vary by country. Include water-rich foods in your meals and snacks, especially when it’s hot. Fruits and veggies like cucumbers, melons, and lettuce are all great sources of water and good nutrients.

Drinks to maintain hydration

When you’re trying to achieve your recommended water intake a day, you may wonder – what counts towards it? Some excellent and great drink options can help you meet your water intake goals. 

The best thing you can drink is water. That’s what keeps you hydrated. Water is great because it doesn’t have any additional calories, is accessible and is a healthy option. If you’re not super keen on water on its own, you can dress it up using berries, fruit slices or herbs. For a refreshing summer option, make cucumber, lemon and mint infused water for example. 

Another great option for hydration is coconut water. It is rich in minerals and has some carbohydrates, making it a great option for hydration. Those who are watching calories can use it as an alternative to sports drinks if they add some extra sodium to it.  

If you work out often, for long times, or are training hard in hot conditions, you may benefit from an electrolyte or a sports drink. Electrolyte drinks provide minerals needed for proper muscle functions and will help you replenish what you lose while working out. An excellent option for a low-calorie electrolyte drink is Maxler Electrolyte Powder, which can come in sachet form for on-the-go hydration. 

Sports drinks also contain electrolytes but have additional sugars to help you power through tough and long workouts. . 

Milk can also be an easy way to support hydration. It contains protein, vitamins and minerals. Choose low-fat milk for the best results, as that can help you manage your saturated fat intake. Plant milk alternatives are another awesome option for hydration. 

Juices can be a tool to help you meet your water intake goals. However, it’s best to limit yourself to one small glass of juice or smoothie during the day. That is because juice can have a lot of sugar. It’s best to consume this drink occasionally and alongside a meal. 

You can count coffee and tea towards your water intake, but make sure that their caffeine levels don’t go over the daily recommended amounts. Limit your intake of fizzy drinks, and if you’re going with them, then choose the low-calorie and sugar-free options. 

Maintaining our water balance is essential for good health. It’s essential for those who are active to stay on track with sufficient hydration. To help you meet your hydration goals, drink water regularly throughout the day. Increase your intake of hydrating foods and vegetables. Choose drinks that will help you rehydrate instead of dehydrating you further. Water is essential for a healthy and happy life.   

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