Happy Thanksgiving from Maxler: 10 Gratitude Practices to Try Today

Thanksgiving day means we can take a few moments to reflect on everything that has made a difference to us this year. It’s a celebration of thanks, and it may be the only moment people take every year to truly think about the things they’re grateful for. However, gratitude has a myriad of benefits for overall health and mental wellness. This season, why not start making the practice a daily habit?

What gratitude does do for you 

What is the meaning of gratitude? It’s a practice of saying thanks. 

Gratitude can truly change lives, and that’s backed by science. People who are grateful typically are happier. They also feel positive emotions more often and are better able to overcome challenges. Additionally, gratitude helps people grow and cultivate their relationships and it can even be beneficial for their health1

Additionally, it’s a great way to help you cope with stress better2. If you’re feeling stressed, pair gratitude with our stress-busting supplements. L-Tyrosine 500 mg and 5-HTP are both needed to make serotonin that can help you with mood. 

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Our top 10 gratitude practices 

01 A grateful journal. Gratitude journaling is a great and quick option anyone can do. Simply write things you’re grateful for at the end of your day. Whether you choose to write diary-style entries, paragraphs, or even lists, it’s all effective! Plus you can look up prompts to shake things up if it gets repetitive. It’s also a great way to quickly relieve stress3. If you’re looking for something else to help you with stress-busting, try Magnesium B6 – a mineral vitamin formula that’s great for the tough times. 

02 Share your gratefulness. What’s better than being grateful? Sharing the gratitude of course. Make saying thank you a habit – it can truly lift someone up. You’ll also be able to spot things you’re grateful for quickly!

03 Meditate on gratitude. If you already meditate or have wanted to start, gratitude meditation is great. It’s mainly made for learning to feel gratitude if just saying thanks feels a bit corny. Try a guided meditation on your way from work or just before bed. 

04 Take actions of kindness. If you think being thankful is the only way to express gratitude, then we’ve got news for you. Doing acts of kindness can help you connect with others and can help you notice new things to be grateful for. 

05 Put your gratitude in a jar. Have you heard of gratitude jars? Take any old jar or box and put little notes of things you’re grateful for into them every day. When things get tough, you can take them out as a reminder of things to be thankful for. 

06 Make your reflections grateful. Remembering when things were tough can help us change perspectives and notice things we’re grateful for. Make a daily point of reflecting on what has happened to you and look for a positive situation or a person that you’re grateful for during your times of trouble.

07 Give back to your community. If someone helped you or brightened your day, you can thank them by being kind in return. Volunteer for a cause you or they believe in, help a fellow neighbor or a person you don’t know too well. It’ll make you feel good too.

08 Set visual reminders to be grateful. Practicing gratitude regularly can be a challenge – it requires time and discipline. Help yourself be grateful by allowing your surroundings to help you. Adding visual reminders or quotes that help you reflect and placing them strategically around your home is a great way to do so. 

09 Be artsy – try a gratitude collage. Feeling like a bit of arts and crafts? A gratitude collage can be just the thing. Assemble photos or pictures of things you’re grateful for. Make it a long-term project if you want to or get the family to do it together during Thanksgiving day! 

10 Write notes. There’s another way to foster feelings of gratitude. If someone you know has given you plenty of support and you’d like to thank them for it, try writing them a letter. For those who are brave enough, you can mail or read them the letter – what a way to help culture those feelings and make someone else happy!

This holiday season, help yourself really embrace the ethos of Thanksgiving day in your daily life. Regular gratitude practices can make a difference to your stress levels and your well-being. They can also encourage great personal growth. As you celebrate Turkey Day with your family, help everyone reap the benefits of being grateful and make it a new and better lifestyle. 


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