Top 10 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

TOP 10 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth

What do Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Terry Crews, Rachel McLish, and Andrea Shaw have in common? It may be charisma, but it’s also definitely their muscular physique. Becoming more muscular is a common goal for many of us. We’re always searching for the next thing to support fast muscle growth and help us reach our physique goals. Logically, many people turn to supplements for muscle growth. 

To help you navigate the world of sports supplements, we’ve assembled our pic of top supps for muscle growth. In this blog, we’ll explain exactly how and why they work (and why you may consider adding them to your routine). 

Anastasia Kolesnikova
MRes, Biochemist, Scientific Officer

How Do Muscle Growth Supplements Work?

Muscle growth requires a few things:

  1. Plenty of amino acids
  2. A slight energy surplus, but this is not needed for everyone
  3. Plenty of stimulus from resistance training

Therefore, supplements for muscle growth can work in multiple ways. They can increase your intake of the nutrients you need, such as protein. Alternatively, they can provide ergogenic aids, which can help you train for longer and harder, increasing the growth stimulus you get from training.

Check out our blog post to learn more about how muscle grows.

Maxler’s TOP 10 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth


Almost everyone knows that protein is one of the critical things you need for muscle growth. But alongside protein, you need additional calories to give the body energy to grow muscle. That’s where muscle gainers like Maxler Special Mass come in.

Maxler Special Mass is a powerful protein and carbohydrate combination that supports muscle growth. One serving packs up to 1170 calories with 57 grams of protein and 212 grams of carbohydrate. It uses a high-quality whey protein blend, which includes milk protein, whey concentrate, hydrolysate, and isolate alongside micellar casein for long-term feeding. The MCT oil in the formula acts as a source of healthy fats. On top of that, it also contains creatine monohydrate to enhance your muscle-building further.

Maxler Special Mass is not for the faint-hearted. However, by supplying additional nutrients, it can help you reach your muscle growth goals. Simply add a serving of a gainer to your usual diet plan. Pair it with hard training sessions, and your muscles will grow.

If you’re curious about Maxler Special Mass and gainers in general, check out our posts on the topic:


Maxler Taurine 1000 mg is a great source of an amino acid called taurine. This vegan supplement provides the amino acid in tablets, making it super easy to consume on the go or take with you if you lead a busy lifestyle. Taurine’s function in the body remains largely unexplored, but it’s been known in the fitness community for a while.

Taurine appears to be beneficial for endurance performance, meaning that it may help you work out for longer. Combining it with caffeine may be able to benefit power generation, helping you train harder during your resistance training session. In addition, it may be able to support recovery, which can help you get back to training sooner. Overall, taurine appears to be a beneficial amino acid that can help you increase muscle growth by enhancing your training.

TOP 10 Best Supplements for Muscle Growth 1


L-citrulline malate is another ergogenic amino acid used to enhance sports performance. Maxler L-Citrulline Malate 750 mg comes in handy vegan capsules that deliver around 2.3 g of citrulline in a serving. This makes the supplement a great option for those needing amino acid support on the go.

How does l-citrulline malate improve muscle growth? L-citrulline increases the levels of nitric oxide, a molecule the body produces naturally. Nitric oxide can help increase blood flow and support muscle contraction. In addition, it appears that it may be able to send specific cellular signals that lead to muscle growth when combined with exercise. In addition, citrulline malate may be able to support recovery by enhanced removal of waste products, which can help you complete more training sessions.


100% Golden Citrulline Malate is one of the supplements best for muscle gain. It contains l-citrulline malate, which, as stated previously, helps increase blood flow, turns on muscle growth signals, and can help with recovery. What makes 100% Golden Citrulline Malate so special is its form.

Maxler 100% Golden Citrulline Malate is a high-quality powder containing nothing but the active ingredient. Since it’s a powder, it’s easy to change your dosage according to your needs. It’s a vegan supplement that dissolves quickly, has no taste, and can be used to make your own pre-workout mixes. Together with l-citrulline malate, you’ll be able to work out for longer and get more gains.

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What’s a classic supplement that everyone associates with muscle growth? Why, it’s the branched-chain amino acids!

BCAAs have been a staple supplement of amino acids for muscle growth. Almost everyone’s heard of them, and many people use them. Leucine in BCAAs stimulates muscle growth in the body. Consuming BCAAs increases our muscle synthesis processes, making it an excellent addition for those who would like to increase their muscle size. In addition, these amino acids may be fantastic at decreasing muscle soreness and improving recovery, meaning you can get training once again ASAP.

Maxler 100% Golden BCAA is a vegan BCAA supplement in powder form. It provides 6 grams of BCAAs with 3 grams of leucine for muscle synthesis. Plus, you can get handy sachets to take it with you wherever you need to.

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What other supplements, except for amino acids, can be helpful for the gains? Maybe there are some kinds of vitamins for muscle growth? Coenzyme Q10 can’t reasonably be grouped with amino acids or with vitamins. It’s an important antioxidant that may be able to benefit muscle growth.

While its roles in muscle growth are not yet apparent, it appears that coenzyme Q10 may be able to improve recovery and support energy generation during exercise. This may lead to increased performance; however, current studies are equivocal in their findings.

Maxler Coenzyme Q10 comes in the form of vegan capsules that provide 100 mg of CoQ10 in each serving.


Maxler 100% Golden Creatine is a powder form of creatine monohydrate. It contains micronized creatine, which is where creatine is broken into smaller parts to increase dissolving and absorption. 100% Golden Creatine comes in cans and sachets so you can have your creatine on the go. What are some of the benefits of creatine?

Creatine monohydrate remains the best creatine for muscle growth. It has been studied extensively, with over 1000 studies having already been performed. Creatine is needed for quick resynthesis of ATP, the cellular form of energy, during exercise. By replenishing it quickly, you are better able to perform repeated, high-intensity tasks. In addition, creatine draws water into the muscle, which helps to stimulate muscle growth signaling in the body. Creatine monohydrate appears to be safe without many side effects.

We’ve gone into more detail about creatine in our posts below:


Golden 7 Protein Blend is the newest addition to the Maxler protein supplement family. This fantastic protein powder combines the action of 7 different types of protein in a single supplement for muscle building. In fact, it’s so great that we’ve written a whole blog post about it.

Maxler Golden 7 Protein Blend provides 23 grams of protein per serving, with 7.3 grams of branched-chain amino acids. With 3.4 grams of leucine to kickstart your muscle protein synthesis and 180 calories per portion, it’s a dream for those trying to build muscle.

Our body needs amino acids to build muscle, which is why daily protein intake for muscle growth is essential. However, not all protein sources are created equal, as different proteins will have various types and amounts of amino acids. Dairy proteins, such as whey and casein protein, are a fantastic source of essential amino acids. EAAs are critical for muscle growth.

The hydrolyzed whey protein provides quick-absorbing amino acids, while milk protein takes slightly longer to digest. The casein in the formula takes the longest to digest, releasing amino acids continuously and helping your body grow muscle for more extended periods of time.

Golden 7 Protein blend can be a great addition to most people’s muscle-building routine, as it provides high-quality protein for your muscle’s needs.


Ever find that the typical, milky feel of protein powders just isn’t your thing? If you’re relying on protein supplements to help you meet protein goals and a typical protein shake feels too thick, let us introduce Juicy Isolate. Juicy Isolate is a unique product in Maxler’s protein supplement line. This protein powder contains high-quality whey protein isolate, providing 20 grams of protein and only 90 calories per serving.

However, it’s not a typical isolate. Juicy Isolate contains PROBev whey isolate, which is thermostable and clear when it is dissolved in water. This gives the shake a lighter and smoother texture, seeming like juice rather than a milky protein shake. Add some ice to the shake in the summer and you’ll find it to be the most refreshing way to get protein in.

Juicy Isolate can be a fantastic way to increase your protein intake for muscle growth. It contains 2.2 grams of leucine to stimulate muscle synthesis. In addition, it is rich in BCAAs and has the complete essential amino acid profile.

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Maxler’s 100% Golden Whey is a tried and tested fan favorite. There’s a good reason for that. Let’s look at 100% Golden Whey’s stats: 130 calories, 24 grams of protein, 2.6 grams of leucine and 4.9 grams of BCAAs. On top of that, it’s got all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Oh, and one more thing. 100% Golden Whey has our most extensive flavor line, and the Maxler community raves about them all the time. Containing classics like vanilla ice cream and blueberry muffin to the more adventurous cinnamon bun and raspberry cheesecake flavors, 100% Golden Whey leaves no one unimpressed.

Maxler 100% Golden Whey provides the amino acids your body needs to build muscle. It combines three types of whey protein to provide quick-acting amino acids and boost muscle growth. Whether you’re using it to increase your overall protein content or as a protein boost after a workout, it’s a great option to support muscle growth.

In addition, our 100% Golden Whey comes in an all-natural form. 100% Golden Whey Natural is the same protein powder containing only natural colors and flavors. In addition, it is sweetened with stevia extract for the health-conscious consumer.

No matter where you are in your muscle growth journey, 100% Golden Whey can be a great staple of your routine.

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How to Choose Supplements for Muscle Growth?

Once you’ve narrowed down what exactly you want to add to your routine, then it’s time to pick a supplement for muscle gain. We know that you want the best muscle growth supplement. So, what do you need to consider when choosing supplements?

  1. Check for quality. The quality of your supplement is the most crucial factor in picking out a product. You need to be sure that the supplement contains the ingredients you want in a suitable dosage and that you’re not overpaying for fillers. To make sure you’re picking a quality supplement, stick to brands that are open about their quality. All Maxler supplements are made in IFS and GMP-certified factories, meaning that we use stringent quality control to ensure you get the best products. Third-party tested supplements are also a great option.
  2. Pick your dosage. Your supplement has to provide you with enough of the active ingredient to make a difference in your training. In addition, you may have different requirements for nutrients or supplements according to your weight and training regimen. Therefore, there’s no point in choosing a supplement that provides 3 grams of an active ingredient per serving when you need to be consuming 5 grams.
  3. Pick your form. The best supplements for muscle growth are those that are easy to use so that you can stay consistent. Therefore, it’s a good idea to think about how you enjoy taking supplements and what form of supplement your ideal supplement needs to take. Some people find pills to be handy, especially when travelling. Others may prefer liquid supplements or a powder. One of the advantages of a powder supplement is that you have a lot of control over dosage, meaning you can adjust serving sizes as needed.
  4. Pick your ingredients. Different supplements are made from different things, and therefore may not suit all diets. It’s a good idea to check if your supplement suits your dietary needs specifically. If you can’t tell whether that’s the case for a manufacturer, feel free to reach out to them to request more information on the product.
  5. Choose your flavor. Most people don’t pay attention to flavor – if it goes down, it’s doing its job. However, muscle building is a slow process. If you’re finding yourself hating the thought of drinking a shake in the morning because the flavor and texture just aren’t your thing, you may be less likely to stick to regular consumption of the supplement. Therefore, it pays to experiment. At Maxler, we take our flavors seriously; it’s a point of pride for us. Don’t be afraid to experiment with our exciting flavors. From pineapple to blueberry muffin, you’ll be sure to find something that suits your taste.
  6. Consider the extras. Often, supplements may contain additional ingredients that sound mysterious or novel. It’s a good idea to make sure that you know what these ingredients do and whether there’s been actual research that confirms their benefits. At Maxler, many of our supplements contain only the active ingredient so that you can be sure you’re getting exactly what you need. In some cases, however, we add additional ingredients that we know would elevate your experience and the bioavailability of the product. Take our protein powders, for example. All of them contain a DigeZyme complex of digestive enzymes to help you get more out of your protein powder and your food.
  7. Does it fit you specifically? Many of us have particular concerns about our routine or our health. It can be hard to tell if a supplement will benefit us or if we may need to consider alternatives. This is especially true if you’ve had issues with health in the past. Therefore, before starting a new supplement, make sure that you check in with your medical professional, as they will be able to advise you on whether a supplement will suit you.

Choosing a supplement to support your muscle growth efforts can be daunting. However, with a bit of research and some help in understanding how to select a supplement that will suit you, you’ll be equipped to make significant progress in reaching your goals. Whether you’re aiming to increase your protein and calorie intake or train harder and for longer, using one or more of the top 10 supplements presented here will pay off. Just remember that supplements are a helpful tool, but discipline and determination are what really get you to where you want to be.

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